Last-Minute Tips For Cleaning The Office Before Winter Break

At the end of the year, whilst some businesses continue to work over the festive period, others will close their office for a week or two until the New Year offers a fresh start and a new beginning for the business.

Before everyone leaves for their holidays, however, here are some important last-minute cleaning tasks you must not forget to do.


Empty The Bins

No matter what the usual schedule is for cleaning, make sure that the bins are completely cleared, whether this is part of the traditional rota or a concerted team effort to make sure everything is removed.

In particular, any perishables or items that might go off should be cleared out to avoid a nasty smell when the team returns, one that can be more difficult and frustrating to remove.


Clear Out Fridges

Nothing that needs to be kept in the fridge will survive the festive season, as they are likely to have passed their use-by dates and provide not only an unpleasant musk but a potential hazard.

As well as this, clean the work surfaces, the kitchen shelves and doors, wash and dry all mugs, pots and dishes, and leave the office as clean as possible.


Reorder Office Supplies

Take stock of how much toilet paper, washing up liquid, hand sanitiser, paper towels and other cleaning supplies are currently in the office and prepare to order more if necessary.

This means that you can return to the office without any lingering worries from the previous year and are ready to make a new start without any issues.

For more intensive tasks and deep cleaning in Marylebone, get in touch today.

By |2022-01-14T13:18:28+00:00December 21st, 2021|Uncategorized|