Keeping It Cool And Clean For The Office Return

The lifting of most remaining Covid restrictions this week (July 19th) may not spell a full return to the office for all, but it will mean more people coming in to many businesses, even if the summer holidays may reduce the numbers over the next few weeks.

All that mean bosses may need to give the office a good clean and make sure it is Covid safe, while at the same time being aware of what steps they can practically take in summer that may not be available later on.

The government has produced guidance on how to maintain offices to make them as safe as possible, with a key requirement being that firms should clean their offices more often. It states: “It’s especially important to clean surfaces that people touch a lot. You should ask your staff and your customers to use hand sanitiser and to clean their hands frequently.”

Of course, sometimes regular cleaning of surfaces is not enough, which is why our deep cleaning service in Marylebone has been much in demand, especially after any instance of someone having been in the office and testing positive.

Another key element of the guidance is to use as much ventilation as possible to maintain the flow of air and dissipate any viral particles that are about.

This can be done by keeping doors and windows open, as well as using air conditioning and vents.

However, if your office is near a lot of greenery and the pollen count is high, open windows may contribute to hayfever issues.

Around one in four Britons are affected by hayfever, with June and July the peak of the grass pollen season and August the worst time for weed pollen.

All this means the return to the office may be gradual and depend on allergies as well as other considerations. But by having a deep clean when needed and regular cleaning at other times, you can ensure those who do return have the best and safest possible environment to work in.

By |2021-08-03T12:21:50+00:00July 20th, 2021|News|