Employees Want Clean Workspaces Says Latest Research

According to the latest studies, the vast majority of UK workers consider workplace hygiene to be a priority for businesses. Regardless of industry, health and wellness have become fundamental to workplace productivity.

The importance of keeping the office clean and hygienic has resulted in a surge in enquiries for professional cleaning services, which can be attributed to increased environmental awareness, an increase in remote and hybrid work solutions, and the growth of health-conscious communities post-pandemic.

With many people still working from home and business leaders wanting more employees to come back to the office, we have a look at three reasons why you should employ a professional cleaning service for your workplace.


High standards

Cleanliness is next to godliness and should be considered a hallmark of quality. But hiring professionals to clean the workplace, your employees are guaranteed a healthy environment. A professional cleaning service provider will also have to comply with several laws and regulations, which makes them a valuable asset for any business.



Cleaning and disinfecting business premises is not an easy task, and to do it well requires highly trained personnel. So that they can comply with the laws and regulations, cleaning service personnel will be equipped with all the knowledge and specialised equipment to complete even the most arduous of tasks.


Increased productivity

From fewer sick days to more positive attitudes, numerous workplace studies have proven the difference a clean environment can make. Employees crave a positive workplace that has multiple health benefits and zero health hazards, and if they are to be productive then they need a workplace that is conducive to healthy living.

In essence, healthy workers make for a productive business, and a productive business makes a profit. It’s as simple as that.


If you’re looking for professional cleaning services in north west London, talk to us today.

By |2022-03-03T09:45:44+00:00February 21st, 2022|News|